Monday, August 9, 2010

My new family

Philip 53
The darling man is really stepping up to the mark with parenting his own kids. We had some counseling around the 'blended family issue' because we did not want it to overshadow our relationship. He's stood up to his oldest and told him he no longer wants the aggressive relationship with him but wants a more pleasant relationship and rent is not negotiable. He's slowly responding. He will get father of the year! and Love of the year too. I love him and he loves me its so good!

Jack 23
He continues to annoy me. I are making small steps with him and he keeps pushing the boundaries, he thinks $50 is too much for rent. I represent women an unknown territory. He's not use to someone being direct and he feels awkward whenever I ask him to do something or tell him whats happening. He has a lot of issues which he has to work through, and I am the woman behind his dad that is changing how he relates to people. He no longer rules the roost and his tantrums are meaningless.

Max 20
He's a really pleasant boy and very likable. He binges on drugs and booze every weekend, I worry for his mental health, i voiced that to Phil and he had a long chat to Max. Phil planted some seeds. He is very creative and we thought maybe organise a darkroom, he's keen but doesn't know how to develop film. We are going to push him to have an exhibition of his artwork.

Otis 18
He got his "P's" he very pleased with himself and drives short distances solo, we are building up to longer distances in the hope that he will be able to drive the 45 min drive across the city to his Dad's to take Seamus with him. He's going on a bivouac this weekend with cadets. He's highly anxious about it and has unpacked his backpack about 10 ten times. He told me his worry this morning was about whether he should wear his ammo jacket on the bus or just wait to put in till he gets there, his jumper will keep him warm but he would like to have his knife on him and not in his ammo jacket. He then called out to me "Mum where is my sleeping bag? Is it in the top or the bottom of the pack? Oh no I remember it's on the bottom", there is no need for me to answer any of his questions.

Seamus 15 wanting to be 18.
I saw him looking with envy at Otis drivers license. He has been incredibly good, he's been cleaning up after dinner unpacking the dishwasher and doing anything I ask of him, getting A's at school, really being oh so pleasant. He asked me if he could have a 16th birthday party. I said "no" he's been relentless with the nagging, I gave in and said ok but no booze. "Oh no thanks then!" He said if I didn't let him he would go and get addicted to heroin over 3 days close to his birthday. I said ok go ahead, not having booze at a 16th birthday party you have to wait till your 18. I got on face book and this was his post "According to my mother she would rather me go away for three days and become addicted to heroin around my birthday rather than host a 16th birthday party." There are 17 comments saying how harsh I am. He told Max he would teach him how to develop film and he thinks a darkroom is wonderful.

Clare 49
I laugh daily swear way too much and on a good day I enjoy the house hold, on a bad day I could lock myself in bedroom and not come out for days


Leithal said...

Lovely, she said smiling.

OhMyMissRebeccaJane said...

I remember when I first started reading you, your boys were something like 11 and 14? how time flies.

Thank you for the lovely words xxx

Eight said...

Yeah they get older so quickly.