Monday, September 22, 2008

James Frey

I had a great weekend and did little but enjoy myself. MostLusty invited me to the Brisbane Writers Festival as she was volunteering there and her husband did not want to go and see the author she has selected. It was James Frey, and it was funny, witty, profane, hilarious and interesting, just like him.

He spoke about his addiction and the stupid bourgeois woman interviewing him focused on it for too long. She wanted to know about what was true and what was not in his memoir which was completely embellished which he has already paid the price for by not speaking out before going on Oprah. She (bourgeois critic from the Sun Herald) struggled to keep him engaged. Thank god there were a few good questions that came out of the audience.

The Oprah thing I thought was funny because well we all know what Oprah is like she likes to embrace difficult and someone that over comes adversity. James did I guess but just to what extent his adversity was is unknown really, all I know is that it’s a freaking wild and fast paced ride/read which I could not put down until I had finished it. What he was trying to say was that there is no right path to over coming addiction the only right path is the one that you have to find and which fits you. I never saw him on Oprah but I read his book which had the disclaimer in it after the furore had passed. I read the disclaimer and thought oh well then its fiction. When your telling a story who doesn’t embellish really?

You can’t say a bad word about him I found him totally endearing. I went and bought “My Friend Leonard” which is the sequel to his first book. I stood in the queue to have my new book signed. He asked me what I wanted written in my book, I said I don’t care really what ever your heart desires, then I said, no I want your truth…..

My truth is an ugly painful beautiful joyous simple thing everyday I stare at it and feel it and believe it. Long live Australia.
James Frey

I spent Sunday franticly reading “My Friend Leonard”. I’m going to borrow “Bright Shiny Morning” from S at work that was there also. I’ll read that on the plane to Townsville, it should keep me entertained while I’m up there for 2 nights.

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