Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The building of resent

So easy to do, so easy to let it take hold, so easy when you have people that don’t give a fuck and that don’t think beyond themselves, so easy for that resent to get a grip.
A vegan not wanting to feed a cat cause “I’d rather not touch that stuff” even though he spent the last 2 years feeding a dog with dog food. “I’d rather not have you in the house”, but I put up with you, but my resent is building. I can’t stand that your antisocial behavior means that you can’t eat dinner at the normal time. No you sleep through dinner and rise at 10.30 and start cooking in the kitchen when everyone else goes to bed. “I’d rather not have you in the kitchen @ 10.30pm”
I get up ½ hour early to make lunch for you so that you don’t have to spend your money on food for the week. I’m trying to help, I’m supporting you, and I’m the one that suggested we save your rent money. I’m the one that tried to help you sell your van that sits motionless and dead in the driveway for the last 3 months. I’m the one left dealing with credit card fraud and dealing with bills from eBay. I’m the one the picks up your towel off the floor that comes in and takes out your dirty clothes and washes, folds and return it to your room. I’m the one that listens to you hack up each morning and spit where ever you feel like I’m the one that listens to your loud burping at the table. I’m the one left feeling sick and revolted by your grossed out behavior.
I’m the one that asks your boys to do something; I’m the one that watches you do the task I asked of them. I’m the one that is obsessing over something so small. I’m the one building resent. I’m the one without a voice because your boys judge me as the whining bitch. I’m the one that listens to their frustration but is unable to voice my opinion without being frowned or annoyed with.
I’m the one supporting the structure of the house hold I’m the one that is building resent. I am the woman of the house. I am an easy target to be called a bitch, pathetic and nasty.
Walk a day in my shoes.


Leithal said...

Hey. We need to go get our toenails done and swim some laps. xxxxxxxxxx

Eight said...

yeah we do.....

OhMyMissRebeccaJane said...

*hugs and hugs*

OhMyMissRebeccaJane said...

No details of plan yet! =)

Captain Poolie said...

Hello. This is poolagirl and I just discovered that you have linked my journal. Thank you so very much! I saw your name pop on my stats so I headed on over. I hope to get to know you better through your archives. And thanks again!

Sweet Lily said...

We do.